Para optar a la beca es indispensable buen nivel de inglés, por ello la convocatoria está en inglés:
The Embassy of India in Madrid has the pleasure to inform that the Government of India under the aegis of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), within the framework of the General Scholarship Scheme, is offering five scholarships to Spanish nationals wishing to study [with the exception of Medicine, Dental, Paramedical (Nursing, Physiotherapy and Anesthesia courses) and Fashion courses] at graduate, post graduate or research levels in universities and educational institutions in India during the academic year 2015-2016.
The scholarships include enrolment and the course fees, besides a fixed amount of living expenses. The scholarships are granted for one year with the possibility of renewal. The request must specify the course the candidate wishes to undergo, together with the university / institute of his/her choice in India.
Applicants are requested to pay special attention to the following points (links to guidelines, instructions, information.etc are presented below):
- Please read the detailed instructions before filling out the forms. Please also read the financial terms and conditions.
- The completed and signed application form which should be typed and not hand written along with other attachments must be e-mailed as a pdf document to the Embassy of India. Two hard copies along with 5 additional photographs should also be delivered to the Embassy of India.
- The attachments submitted with the form – both in hard and soft copies – must bear attestations. Certified/attested copies of translations of the attachments into English must also accompany the soft and hard copies. Original copies of any certificates, documents.etc need not be submitted and attested copies of these will suffice. Applicants may be asked to present the original documents in course of the selection procedure with prior notice.
- The attachments should include copies of qualifications obtained and curricula and subjects studied. It is imperative that candidates have adequate knowledge of English and, to that end, must submit a copy of the course(s) passed in English language. A certificate of physical fitness from a registered doctor has to be submitted in the attached format.
- Applications should be submitted latest by 20 January 2015 with soft copy to and hard copies to:
Embassy of India,
Avenida Pío XII, 30-32,
28016 Madrid. - Please note that placement to a particular educational institution /University will depend on the availability of seats and the course that is being chosen. Therefore, before filling the three choices, you are advised to check the Institutions/ Universities available for the discipline that you intend to study at the University Grants Commission website or at the website of the institution/university itself. You may also like to see the List of Institutions/ Universities where ICCR scholars are studying at present.
- Please also note that once you accept admission to a particular discipline in a particular institution, subsequent changes either in the institution or discipline will not be possible.
- Please note that no admission and scholarship is offered for MBBS / MD / MS/ BDS and Fashion Design courses.
Click the following links for:
- Application Form
- Instructions to Applicants
- Physical Fitness Certificate
- Financial Terms and Conditions
- Website of the University Grants Commission
- List of Universities where ICCR scholars are studying
For any further queries, interested students should contact the Culture and Academics Section of the Embassy of India in Madrid by fax at 91-345 11 12 or email to